What does Esoteric mean?

The term "esoteric" refers to something that is understood or intended for a select few individuals who have specialized knowledge, expertise, or interest in a particular subject. It typically describes concepts, teachings, practices, or ideas that are obscure, secret, or hidden from the general public or those who are not initiated into a specific field or tradition.

Esoteric knowledge or practices are often associated with spiritual, mystical, or occult traditions, where they are believed to hold deeper insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, or existence. These teachings may involve symbols, rituals, or metaphysical concepts that require a certain level of understanding or experience to grasp fully.

In a broader sense, "esoteric" can also be used to describe any topic, language, or subject matter that is difficult to comprehend or is known only by a limited number of people with specialized expertise. It implies a level of depth, complexity, or specialized knowledge beyond the common understanding.


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